Talks on Antonello da Messina at the Dutch University Institute, Florence

An international conference, Around Antonello: Reintegrating Quattrocento Culture took place at the Dutch University Institute in Florence on October 19 and 20. Co-organized by the Institute’s director, Michael Kwakkelstein, and by Prof. Bette Talvacchia, both members of ISI’s teaching staff, the topic centered on the art of Antonello da Messina, a vastly influential figure in Renaissance painting. The opening talk was presented by Antonio Natali, Director of the Uffizi Gallery, whose collection includes two panels by the artist. Dr Francesca Marini, ISI professor, contributed an analysis of the relation of Antonello’s paintings to the international art market. Conservators and restorers from major European and American museums discussed aspects of technique and medium, since the works by this artist pioneered the full development of oil painting in fifteenth-century Italy. Other talks treated the painter’s highly significant portrait paintings, and the iconography and sources of his religious works. The papers and discussions added important new information to the understanding of this artist’s work, which expands the scope of Renaissance culture to include the contributions stemming from Southern Italy.