Why Study Psychology Abroad?

ISI Florence makes it easy by offering a wide variety of courses in psychology, taught in English, that allows students to earn credits toward their psychology degree. There are also a number of courses in related disciplines which may be of particular interest to psychology majors, such as art therapy, communications, and education. Psychology courses also offer a number of experiential learning opportunities that offer insight into the role of cultural norms and values in shaping human behavior and interactions.
Students who study psychology at ISI Florence can examine human development as influenced by similarities and differences between people and across cultures. Such a knowledge base is a useful tool when preparing for careers in counseling, education, research, social work, and many other professions. Students witness firsthand the interplay between different people and cultures as they explore Florence, an international city that offers a unique blend of Italian, American, and other cross-cultural influences.
Other courses of interest

SOC 320 – Identity and Culture in Italy: A Comparative Approach
The aim of this course is to introduce the concept of culture in the sociological and anthropological sense. After clarifying the meaning of the word ‘culture’, other related concepts will be analyzed, such as values, norms, lifestyles, attitudes, beliefs, and stereotypes. Attention will also be drawn to the notion of social and cultural change (globalization, mediatization, individualization).

COMM 340: Intercultural Communications
In the contemporary and globalized world, characterized by conflicts and by increasing processes of distinction, dealing with intercultural differences is a fundamental skill for each human being. This course will explore the importance of communication in our contemporary society as a key process to pursue knowledge and nurture mutual understanding.

DIS/CEP 300 – Practicum Critical Disabilities
Studies – Discovering Abilities: Narratives, Disabilities, and Identities
In this practicum students will work with professional assistants at “I ragazzi del sipario”, a restaurant whose working staff members are people with intellectual and/or sensorial disabilities. Workers also have a workshop that produces hand-made goods for sale in a shop. Students will help professional workers in their activities in the restaurant or the shop. Also, students will learn how to relate to people with disabilities and observe how they deal with the challenges of a real enterprise.

COMM/CEP 300 – Tour Guiding & Multicultural Competence (Community Engagement Practicum)
In this practicum students will work with the local non-profit association Ars et Fides, which gives free tours in English to tourists in order to convey even to short-stay visitors the cultural and religious importance of the main Florentine churches. Students will first observe tours conducted by the association’s guides in one church of their choice, then they will lead tours on their own.

EDUC/CEP 300 – Childhood Education: Teaching & Multicultural Competence (Community Engagement Practicum)
Students will teach English in a kindergarten or primary school under the supervision of experienced teachers. Students will also teach some lessons on their own as well as lessons that they themselves have designed. The seminar will focus specifically on the challenges posed by old and new diversities to teachers and traditional teaching methods.
Independent Research Opportunities

Independent Research Course (IR 297/397/497) is a student-centered learning experience in which students engage in advanced research on their selected topic with the support of a faculty mentor. It is ideal for students who have previously studied a particular topic and would like to continue exploring it in more depth through individual research. Independent Research courses may vary depending on student interests and needs. Independent Research Courses in psychology are assigned the PYSC disciplinary code and are set at the appropriate academic level depending on the nature of the specific research project.
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