On January 28, 2024, Florence and its inhabitants will be wearing costumes for the Carnival parade!
History of the Florence Carnival
The Florence Carnival has old origins and a history not known to everyone. Although the Carnival of Viareggio is the most famous in Tuscany, this colorful celebration is enthusiastically celebrated in the capital as well, and its tradition dates back to the Middle Ages. During this period, social classes mingled, and the people were allowed to celebrate recklessly on floats called “trionfi” (constructed of wood and jute), before the Lent period of abstinence and penance.
In the Renaissance, the Florence Carnival transformed into a lavish event with parties, masquerades, processions, and firework displays. The aristocracy actively participated in these celebrations, and an iconic contribution was made by Lorenzo de’ Medici, who around 1490, wrote the famous carnival song “Il Trionfo di Bacco e Arianna”: “Chi vuol esser lieto, sia: di doman non c’è certezza” (“Who wants to be happy, should be happy today: there’s no certainty in the future”).
Stenterello’s Mask
At the end of the eighteenth century, at the Cocomero theater, thanks to the Florentine actor Luigi del Buono, the character of Stenterello was invented, later becoming the mask of the Florentine carnival tradition! The most distinctive feature is the open smile that reflects the cheerful and playful character of the figure. Often depicted with a pointed conical hat, he is very thin due to the hardships he has experienced and represents the man who manages to save his skin every time while also criticizing and polemicizing with authorities.

The Florence Carnival Today and the Parade in the Historic Center
Today, the Florence Carnival is a lively and colorful event that attracts residents and visitors alike. Celebrations take place over several days, during which the city fills with music, dances, and elaborate costumes.
On January 28, 2024, the Carnival Parade returns to Florence, and the whole city will be in celebration! Musical shows, jugglers, allegorical masks, face painting for children, and much more. The parade will start in Piazza Santa Maria Novella at 3:00 PM and end in Piazza della Signoria at 7:00 PM. Dress up and join the city of Florence for the celebration of pranks and masks!