Discovering Rome with an Academic Field Trip

For our Architecture in Italy: History and Preservation course we took a day trip to Rome to see the breathtaking feats of ancient architecture. The schedule for the day was packed tight. We spent just enough time in each destination to see what is left of monuments and churches, learning how they were preserved, and in some cases, rebuilt throughout history.

As a civil engineer major I focused mainly on the structural and drainage aspects of the monuments and Professor Catitti was a wealth of knowledge on all aspects of the planning, design, and construction processes. One of the most interesting things I learned is that monuments were torn down in their place throughout Roman history and buried while the city grew literally on top of them. It was also interesting to find out that during the Fascist regime many monuments were reconstructed and most of the ancient ruins that were rebuilt never existed concurrently in history.

It was a wonderful experience and I think that without this class trip I would not see Italy the way I do now.

Alexander Gatti, Arizona State University