Writing for the Media in Italy, taught by Professor Lorenzo Picchi, is a practicum offered this Fall 2022 and students can choose between different areas of specialization in journalism including news writing and editing, journalism on social media, photo and/or video journalism, graphic and layout. Depending on the area chosen, students learn the basic theory of news writing and editing, social media reporting, photo-and-video journalism production, and have the opportunity to convert theory into practice by working with professionals.
University of Virginia student Virginia Mutz just got her first article published in the Florence Newspaper with a piece titled “Will Italy Face a New, Feminine Type of Fascism?”.

“…According to The Local, an Italian newspaper that aims to cover a variety of stories on life in Italy, experts predict that Meloni and her party, Fratelli d’Italia, will pocket around 46% of the upcoming vote, almost double the expected amount of the Democratic Party (PD) and over triple the predicted amount of the populist Five Star Movement (M5S). In the past, Italy’s excessive number of political parties combined with its complex electoral system faced many criticisms. Meloni and her party provide a refreshing political stance for many frustrated Italian citizens, while simultaneously striking fear into the hearts of many citizens who fear what her party’s legislation will mean for minority groups in Italy….”