My Home Away From Home

Before coming to Florence I subconsciously created a narrative in my head about how my study abroad experience would be. I quickly realized that living in a foreign country has a little bit more reality to it than the dream world I created in my mind. Adapting to a new city has been an experience that has challenged me in ways I definitely could not have predicted. Navigating the little streets, ordering delicious food in a language I didn’t understand, and meeting new people were things that seemed overwhelming during my first week in Florence. But what I also couldn’t have predicted is how fast I would start to feel at home here. The ISI staff has been more than accommodating in helping me adjust to this lifestyle. I feel so lucky to be here, even in the uncomfortable moments. I’m really looking forward to the next few months of exploring, and immersing myself further into this beautiful culture.

Alyssa Filannino, Rutgers University