As early as 2010, ISI Florence started collaborating with Accademia di Groppoli, a tiny yet most active and much appreciated academy on the outskirts of Pistoia. Seven years ago, the partnership between our Institute and the Accademia made it possible to publish a critical edition of the earliest history of Pistoia (written in Latin by Florentine humanist G. Manetti in the mid-fifteenth century) and its translation into Italian. Both books (which were generously subsidized by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia) were edited by Prof. Stefano U. Baldassarri (Director, ISI Florence) and William J. Connell (Professor and La Motta Chair, Department of History, Seton Hall University). Since then, ISI Florence and Accademia di Groppoli have collaborated on many projects, spanning from literature, history, and music to architecture, art, and philosophy. This partnership will now promote even more initiatives, as Pistoia is the “2017 Italian Capital of Culture.” On March 17, Palazzo Rucellai hosted the presentation of no fewer than 17 projects that Accademia di Groppoli has prepared to celebrate this important achievement and to promote the city of Pistoia, along with its culture, history, and traditions. Several of these projects are organized together with ISI Florence. We will update you on these events in the next issues of our online newsletter.