Ghiberti’s nine lives (if not more …)

An article by Prof. Stefano U. Baldassarri (Academic Director and Dean of Students, ISI Florence) has just appeared in the latest issue of Viator (43, 2012, pp. 299-314), the prestigious UCLA journal on medieval and Renaissance literature. Titled Lorenzo Ghiberti e Giovan Battista Gelli tra autobiografia e biografia, this essay evaluates an hypothesis suggested some thirty years ago by the celebrated English art historian Peter Murray. Murray thought that Gelli (1498-1563) may have used a now lost version of Ghiberti’s Commentaries (different from the only surviving manuscript) to compose his short life of this artist. Actually, Baldassarri’s philological analysis shows that this is not the case. Gelli simply relied on a now lost source common to all the biographies of Ghiberti that have come down to us, including Antonio Billi’s, the so-called Anonimo Magliabechiano’s, and Vasari’s.