ISI Florence offers a comprehensive health & safety orientation that spans from pre-departure materials to arrival orientation. The Institute maintains a 24/7 emergency support number that students can call from Florence or during their independent travel. Our team can also provide the contact details for local, English-speaking medical professionals.
Study abroad is short and your mental health is important. For this reason, ISI Florence works with local, English-speaking counselors and therapists and provides their contact details to students during orientation. You can consult them for anything from culture shock and homesickness to more long-standing concerns that you’re experiencing.
When it comes to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, ISI Florence keeps close track of updates, restrictions, and requirements. constantly evolving pandemic-related restrictions and requirements. We inform students of current rules as they relate to travel and their overall time in Florence as part of pre-departure and arrival orientation sessions. In addition, ISI Florence notifies students by email of any significant changes that impact their study abroad after arrival.
All ISI Florence students (with few exceptions) will be automatically enrolled in CISI International Health Insurance. If you are enrolled in our plan, CISI will email your account and registration details to the preferred email you provided in your ISI Florence application. This welcome email provides information on logging into your myCISI portal and how to access your insurance coverage letter, which is required to obtain your visa. Your home school may also have enrolled you in international health insurance, so in some cases, you will have double coverage! If you have any doubts or questions, please contact [email protected].