PSCI 390 – The European Union
Discipline(s): History, Political Science
Credits: 3
Available: fall semester 2025, spring semester 2026
Instructor: Federica Di Sarcina, Ph.D.
Taught in: English
Course Fee: $ 80.00
Formerly HIST/POLSC 430 – The European Union
Although now facing one of its worst crises ever, the EU is among the most influential economic and political players in the world. This course explores the historical evolution of the EU, taking also into account its relationship with the US. Special attention is given to some key current issues such as Euroscepticism, the migration crisis, and climate change. The first part of the course analyses the development of the EU, from the Schuman Declaration (1950) to the Treaty of Lisbon (2007). A focus on EU enlargements is given, including the debate over Turkey’s EU membership. The second part of the course analyses European policies, with particular attention to the ones on the environment, non-EU countries and security, gender equality, and migration. The course includes a field trip to the European University Institute and the EU Historical Archives in Florence.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
– Describe the dynamics behind the birth and the historical evolution of European integration.
– Describe the functioning of the EU Institutions and Policies.
– Understand the role of the EU in International Relations.
– Evaluate the future prospects of the process of European integration.
– Identify the challenges ahead of the EU institutions and EU policy-making.
Course descriptions may be subject to occasional minor modifications at the discretion of the instructor.