BIO 240 – Function and Development of Organisms

  • Discipline(s): Biology, STEM

  • Credits: 4

  • Available: spring semester 2026

  • Instructor: Rebecca Branconi Ph.D.

  • Prerequisite: 1 semester of basic concepts in biology, general chemistry, plus lab

  • Taught in: English

  • Course Fee: $ 270

This course is a four-credit course with lecture and laboratory components that focuses on the organismal biology of plants and animals in the light of evolution. The laboratory portion will include mini-lectures, field trips, scientific illustration, in class dissections and experiments. The purposes of the laboratory components are 1) to introduce students to practical methods used in biology and 2) to better convey the concepts covered in the lecture portion of the course by using more empirical formats. More generally, the philosophy of this course is based on the methodology of experiential learning: once engaged in hands-on activities, students are better able to connect theories and knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations.

Course Goals

  • Identify and understand the underlying principles shared by physiological systems, at the molecular, cellular, and systems levels
  • Relate the principles mentioned above to the physical and thermodynamic laws influencing organismal design.
  • Recognize the diversity of physiological systems and understand the interactions of these systems with anatomical structure, especially in regard to similarities and differences between plants and animals and how the two lineages adapted in their transitions to land.
  • Use critical thinking, empirical observation and analytical skills when addressing physiological issues to understand organisms’ adaptations to their environments.
  • Develop and demonstrate proficiency in techniques used for the study of biology, including but not limited to observations and experiments, data collection, data visualization, data analysis and scientific illustration.
  • Effectively communicate scientific findings in writing and through presentations encompassing background information, results from experiments and simulations, methods used to obtain those results, and analyses of what the results mean.
  • Effectively examine a scientific paper to determine the purpose and methodology of the experiment.

Course descriptions may be subject to occasional minor modifications at the discretion of the instructor.

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