Courses Taught at ISI
Digital Marketing: Contemporary Strategies for Italian Brands
Brand Management: Made in Italy
Sustainability in the Fashion Industry
BA in Law, University of Florence
MSc in Business Management, University of Liverpool
MBA (Masters of Business Administration) Durham University
Teaching Philosophy
Studying abroad gives students superpowers. They are able to see the world with fresh eyes, challenge many long-held beliefs, and realize that there is no “one way” of doing things. In business especially, so much of your expertise and capabilities rely on understanding the context, the culture, and the uniqueness of each country and heritage.
I like to think of my classes as a space where students are not present to absorb information but to discuss ideas. University courses are not about acquiring as much information as possible through endless lectures, but more about opportunities to discuss, debate and engage with a topic, with the assistance of an instructor who is not a “sage on the stage” but a moderator, that helps students understand why things matter.
Most Rewarding Moments
When students, months or years after they’ve come to Florence, reach back to ask for advice or a recommendation, acknowledging that the courses they took at ISI really helped shape their future and career.
Favorite Quote
They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou