Stefano Corazzini

Courses Taught at the Institute

Survey and Drawing: Mapping Florence Architecture
Cultural Engagement Practicum Tour Guide for the City Hall (Palazzo Vecchio) Museum
Advanced Architectural Design Studio – Assistant Professor


Master of History of Architecture, University of Roma 3, Rome
Laurea in Architettura – Professional Degree in Architecture, Tutela e Recupero del Patrimonio Storico Architettonico, University of Florence

Latest Projects / Publications

2016 – Santa Maria del Carmine in: il quaderno, the ISI Florence Architectural Journal n°01, Spring 2016
2015 – L’architettura raffigurata series of lectures in Palazzo Vecchio, by Mus.e Firenze
2015 – Project office furniture, Mus.e in Palazzo Canacci, Firenze
2014 – Project office furniture, Mus.e in Museo 900, Firenze
2014 – Project library space, Mus.e in Palazzo Vecchio, Firenze
2014 – Furniture design: info desk Mus.e, Santa Marina Novella Church
2013 – Palazzo Vecchio Museum’s Bookshop guideline
2012 – Assistant to the online exhibition Size Matters. Scale and Measure in Photography of the photo library of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz
2012 – Merchandising design for Palazzo Vecchio Museum’s Bookshop

Teaching Philosophy

I love teaching. Sharing experiences and knowledge with enthusiasm, will bring motivation and curiosity to students and increase the value of their studying abroad time.

Favorite Quote

“Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together.”
Ludwing Mies Van Der Rohe