Silvia Catitti

Courses Taught at the Institute

Landscape Architecture: The Villa and the Garden
Architecture in Italy: History and Preservation
Michelangelo: Painter, Sculptor, Architect


University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Department of Architectural History, Restoration, and Conservation, Ph.D., Licensed Architect

Latest Projects / Publications

– The Vestibule of the Laurentian Library and Designs for the Staircase, in Michelangelo as an Architect at San Lorenzo, Michelangelo drawing exhibition (Florence, Casa Buonarroti, 2007), Main Curator PIETRO RUSCHI (Exhibition Curator)
– S. CATITTI, “Carlo Scarpa, Poetry and Japanese Architecture”, in Italia e Giappone a confronto. Cultura, psicologia, arti, STEFANO U. BALDASSARRI ed., Florence, Pontecorboli (in preparation, Author)
– S. CATITTI, “Exploring Michelangelo through Exhibitions”, in Monographic Exhibitions and the History of Art, DONATELLA PEGAZZANO and MAIA WELLINGTON GAHTAN, eds., London – New York, Routledge (in press, Author)
– S. CATITTI, “The Laurentian Library. Patronage and Building History,” in San Lorenzo: Architecture, Liturgy, and Art in a Florentine Religious Community, ROBERT GASTON and LOUIS A. WALDMAN eds., Florence, Villa I Tatti, 2017, pp. 380-424 (Author)
– S. CATITTI, “1521-1527: La Sagrestia Nuova e la Biblioteca Laurenziana,” in Michelangelo: Una Vita, PATRIZIO AIELLO ed,. Milan, Officina Libraria, 2014, pp. 163-182 (Author)

Teaching Philosophy

Exposing students to multiple lenses through which one can look at, talk about, and experience architecture, I aim to stimulate their desire to develop their own viewing angle on the topic, according to their own background and interests. I hope that, with their comprehensive Florentine experience, they acquire an approach that, back home, they can apply to multiple subjects.

Most Rewarding Moments

When I see students elaborate on the issues we address in class and on site, and use their knowledge and opinion to discuss our topic with their peers.

Favorite Quote

“Architecture can profoundly affect a place, sometimes transform it. Architecture and any art can transform a person” FRANK O’GEHRY