Serena Baldini

Courses taught at the Institute

The Florence Experience I: Beginning Italian I
The Florence Experience II: Beginning Italian II
The Florence Experience III: Intermediate Italian I
The Florence Experience IV: Intermediate Italian II
The Florence Experience V: Advanced Italian


Three-Year Master Degree, School of Counseling, Centro di Ascolto e Orientamento Psicoanalitico di Pistoia e Firenze, 2014. Concentration field: Education. Dissertation Title: Dalla questione del paesaggio al paesaggio di Question.

Master in Didactics of Italian as a Second Language and Promotion of Italian Culture, University “Ca’ Foscari”, Venice, Italy, 2006. Dissertation Title: Issues related to the motivational aspects of Language Learning and didactic projects for monolingual American classes.

Annual Specialization post-graduate course in Language and Communication, Department of Linguistics , University of Florence, Italy, 1997

Laurea in Philosophy, University of Florence, Italy, 1996. Dissertation Title: Vilfredo Pareto- Thoughts and Concepts of Society

Relevant Projects / Publications

S. Baldini – D. Marini, “Vorrei. Corso di lingua italiana di livello elementare 1”.Libro di testo e libro degli esercizi. Firenze University Press, Florence 2016.

Campi che fuggivano, (When the fields were running, English version of the prose translated by G. Dragnea Horvath and D.S. Butterworth), in “Voyages, Rethinking Nature and its Expression”, Winter 2015, published by Gonzaga University in Florence. (http://

Counseling e il nuovo status del docente. Esperienze nell’insegnamento dell’italiano in classi monolingui anglofone, in collaboration with David Marini, in “Voyages, Rethinking Nature and its Expression”, Summer 2013, Gonzaga University in Florence.

Teaching Philosophy

I want to share my enthusiasm for the Italian language and the Italian culture. I believe it is essential to involve students actively in their learning experience. I seek to foster students’ creativity and to encourage their active participation in class and real interaction with the Italian environment.

Most Rewarding Moments

When students create situations of spontaneous interaction in Italian with the teacher and among themselves.
When students show a desire to learn and know more about Italian culture and to discover the “world outside “of the classroom.

Favorite Quote

“I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” (Chinese saying).