Franco Pisani

Courses Taught at the Institute

Architecture Design Studio VI
History of Italian Design


Laurea in Architettura – Professional Degree in Architecture, 1997
Università degli studi di Firenze
Licensed Architect, Italy
Ordine degli Architetti della provincia di Firenze n° 5283 – 1997

Latest Projects/Publications
– 2008 sassi turchini: center for accessible holidays ,Porto Azzurro,Isola d’Elba (under construction)
– 2008 modenacambiafaccia urban design competition, Modena, III prize
– 2008 scuola media don milani, design competition for a didactic complex, vicchio, FI, IV prize
– 2007 lipomo design competition for a didactic complex, lipomo, CO, IV prize
– 2006 palestra comunale, Golfo Aranci, OT (built)

Teaching Philosophy

We learn… 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we both see and hear, 70% of what we discussed with others, 80% of what we experience personally, 95% of what we TEACH someone else
– William Glasser

Some assert that you can learn architecture but you can’t teach architecture. It may sound as a justification for not-responsible teachers, but there is something true on that. Architecture is a discipline made of acts of faith, rituals, illuminations more than reassuring univocal formulas. Every moment is a good one, leave doors opened: ideas come also when you are not looking for them. Design for an architect is a vital necessity, extremely involving. If you don’t feel this kind of commitment, you’d better ask yourself if this is the right direction for you: the world is full of bad architects, it’s better not to enlarge that family.

Favorite Teaching Moments

“You are still one of just a couple teachers who really had a strong influence on my thinking.” E.C. (fall ’04);
“I truly can say I was pushed architecturally in ways I have not experienced before from a class- and I loved it. It was an incredible class and it was really great to get to see Italy through your eyes”. A.K. (spring ’06);
“I wanted to thank you for being such a passionate teacher. I really realized when I got home how much i enjoyed your words. You were a good “kick in the ass” to get me through the thesis, so thank you”. D.F. (spring ’06);
“It was definitely a great semester and you opened my eyes to a lot of new possibilities in arch”. G.Z. (spring ’07);
“I feel i have learned so much from you about the life of an architect and especially about presenting and communicating ideas” R.H. (spring ’07).

Favorite Quote

“Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.” – Frank Zappa