Course Taught at the Institute
Intercultural Communication
2012- Ph.D. Telematica e Società dell’Informazione, University of Florence and National Research Council (C.N.R.)
2001- Master in Media and Communication, University of Florence
1998- School of Law, University of Florence
Relevant Projects / Publications
– L’accesso alla professione giornalistica. Canali alternativi al praticantato. Scuole e Università di giornalismo, in “Manuale di Diritto dell’informazione e della comunicazione”, Cedam 1999.
– Social Network e diritti di libertà, in Informatica e Diritto, n. 2 2009.
– Open Data per una Pubblica Amministrazione trasparente. Dimensioni coinvolte e approcci possibili, in “Informatica e Diritto”, n. 2 2010.
– E-participation, I contributi delle tecnologie dell’informazione nella partecipazione dei cittadini ai processi di policy-making. Livelli, modi e soggetti coinvolti, forthcoming.
– Founder and member of FLICK (cultural association), Factory for Learning International Culture and Cross Creative Knowledge.
– Member of Common Board – Alumni Association, College of Political Science Cesare Alfieri, University of Florence.
Teaching Philosophy
I love to create a stimulating and really communicative environment in class. I invite my students to perceive and understand human diversity by exploring cultural differences within a context of constantly changing global systems, and also to answer the following question: how do people understand one another when they do not share a common cultural experience? I also encourage my students to apply theoretical skills to reality and to their own experience as human beings living abroad, and to analyze Italian culture and Florence as study subjects as well. And I like sharing my enthusiasm with my students!
Most Rewarding Moments
When I clearly realize that students went far beyond the simplistic assimilation of theoretical notions and learned how to apply them to reality. When they have been able to build a symbolic “bridge” between theories and practices.
Favorite Quote
“Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” (Forrest Gump)