Clive Woollard

Courses taught at the Institute

Family Business in Italy
The Business of Sustainable Food Supply Chains in Italy (SFESP)


MBA (Marketing) Aston Business School, Birmingham UK
BSc in Polymer Technology, IPTME, Loughborough University, UK

Relevant Projects / Publications

Organisational Culture and the Classroom; Annuario Dirigenti Scuola 2013, LA SCUOLA SpA, Brescia, Italy.

Evaluation of Child Centered Education Through Cultural Analysis, OECD/CERI Innovative Learning Environments (2013), Paris, France.

Development of a new BSc(hons) programme – Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and the maintenance of all undergraduate programmes, in consultation with the University of Buckingham, external examiners and the QAA (The Quality Assurance Association for Higher Education in the UK).

Managing Director of Supplyco Ltd.  A UK based business, supplying chemicals for European manufacturing industries.

Teaching Philosophy

As a lecturer in business I love the application of major business principles to the local context of Florence. This is where we see a rich fusion of historical and dynamic business types vying for a future.  My lecture style is one of using cases to develop theoretical and practical business principles.

Most Rewarding Moments

Taking students to a leather tannery in Empoli, which is ran by one of my ex-students and following the supply chain through to Gucci, Prada and Ferragamo.

Favorite Quote

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. (William Shakespeare).