Courses Taught at the Institute
The Florence Experience I: Beginning Italian I
The Florence Experience II: Beginning Italian II
The Florence Experience III: Intermediate Italian I
The Florence Experience IV: Intermediate Italian II
The Florence Experience V: Advanced Italian
July 2015 – Candidate for Certification Ditals II – advanced level – Università per Stranieri di Siena.
March – June 2006 – Course Advanced “ALIAS” teaching Italian – Univertà Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
March-May 2001 – Master in Communication – Private Institute METAUNIVERSITY – Roma.
January – June 1998 – POST-GRADUATE course in “Language & Communication” – University of Firenze – Linguistic Department.
July 1996 – Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Firenze. Specialization in “European Linguistics”. Grade: 110/110 and laudem.
From March to April 1993 – Training course on “Teaching Italian as a second language” at Koinè School – Firenze.
Relevant Publications
Currently one of several authors writing an Italian language book for beginners and implementing the latest research for higher education specifically for American students. To be published by University Florentine Press in December 2014.
December 2013: Penza State University – International Conference on Language Teaching: Language in Higher Education – Abstract: “The main difficulties in teaching Italian language in a monolingual and monocultural group.”
June 2005: “IdeaDue” – textbook of Italian language for foreign students: Communication & Grammar – Intermediate and Advanced – Progetto Lingua – Firenze
July 2004: “IdeaUno” – textbook of Italian language for foreign students: Communication & Grammar- Elementary – Progetto Lingua – Firenze
May 2000 and June 2001: Article – “History of Linguistics” – FOCUS Magazine
Teaching Philosophy
I believe in teaching my language and my culture with enthusiasm. In the majority of evaluations that I have read, many students wrote that I am patient and positive with them. This sentiment is, for me, a big success because I have communicated myself, my culture, and my country effectively. Thanks to this, students can bring at home a piece of Italy. My philosophy of education has the following goals: to give all students the instruments for good and efficient communication in Italian and to allow for the possibility of a better understanding of Italy and Italians. I believe that language is the secret code for the culture.
Most Rewarding Moments
When students come to me and ask me something in Italian that is not in relation to the class but is a piece of information that they want to know, I see in their eyes the surprised pleasure of being able to communicate in Italian. This is very rewarding for me.
Favorite Quote
”Il buon insegnamento è per un quarto preparazione e tre quarti teatro” (Galileo Galilei).
My contacts