Carolina Megale

Courses Taught at the Institute

Archaeology and Art of Ancient Italy
Field Archaeology


Ph.D. in “History and Civilization of the Ancient World”, University of Florence – 2009
1st Class Degree (MA) in Roman Archaeology, University of Florence -2005
1st Class Degree (MA) in Methodology of Archaeological Research, University of Pisa – 2001

Relevant Projects

– 2014 Instructor of the course “Methodology of Archaeological research: from the dig to the history”, School of Specialization in Archaeology University of Florence.
– 2013 Project Scientific Coordinator excavation Area Piazza Garibaldi, Fiesole (Florence).
– 2012 Teaching assistant Greek and Roman Archaeology, University of Florence.
– 2011 Associate with the “Studio Archeologico Associato Hera di Giuditta Grandinetti and Carolina Megale”.
– 2011 President of Cultural Association Past in Progress.

Recent publications

C. MEGALE, A. CAMILLI, E. SORGE (eds.), Archeologia in cantiere. Nuove scoperte dagli scavi di Baratti, Pisa 2014.
C. MEGALE, F. GHIZZANI MARCÌA (ed.), Materiali per Populonia 8, Pisa 2009.
C. MEGALE (ed.), Fare l’archeologo. Per passione e per mestiere, Livorno 2009.

Latest Articles

C. MEGALE, Corneli in Val di Cornia, in S. BRUNI, C. CIANFERONI (eds.), Δόσις δ’oλίγη τε φίλη τε. Studi per Antonella Romualdi, Firenze 2014.
C. MEGALE, S. GENOVESI, Economy and production in Late Republican Settlement of Poggio del Molino, Populonia, in L. BOMBARDIERI, A. D’AGOSTINO, G. GUARDUCCI, V. ORSI, S. VALENTINI (a cura di), Identity and Connectivity: Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1–3 March 2012, BAR International Series 2581 (II), 2013, pp. 901-908.
G. DE TOMMASO, S. GENOVESI, C. MEGALE, Piombino (Li). Necropoli di San Cerbone-Casone: relazione preliminare della campagna 2012, «Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana», 8/2012, pp. 475-477.
C. MEGALE, S. GENOVESI, M. BUENO, Nuovi mosaici dalle terme della Villa di Poggio del Molino (Populonia–LI), Actes of XVIII Colloquio AISCOM Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico (Cremona 2012), pp. 517-526.

Teaching Philosophy

I believe in hands-on experience, I love books but I prefer soil.
My approach to teaching is based fundamentally on interest and enjoyment. I find archaeology a fascinating subject both to learn and to teach and I think that bringing this enthusiasm into the classroom and passing it on to students is the best way to teach effectively. However, enthusiasm alone is not enough. Successful teaching combines this with appropriate knowledge about the subject and the use of a variety of educational techniques from old fashioned lecturing to the use of multimedia, films, web resources, but first of all visits to the museums, field trips and practical experience on archaeological site.
Not every student I teach will major in archaeology or anthropology, but all students can benefit from an archaeological perspective. The archaeological approach is a way of thinking and my aim is to teach to my students to get the right questions and have the method to find the right answers.

Most Rewarding Moments

When students after an hard day of digging are proud and happy of what they have done, because they understood the meaning of this work.