Teaching at ISI Florence
Be a part of our dynamic team
The opportunities are endless

The Institute offers courses in art history, Italian studies, literature, history, political science, international business and economics, psychology, visual arts, writing, and other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
Most courses are taught in English, a select few are conducted in Italian, and all incorporate a focus on Italy. Whenever possible, the material learned in class is supplemented by on-site study in Florence and other destinations in Italy.
Adjunct Positions & Course Proposals
The Institute welcomes requests for teaching positions from qualified instructors. Applicants are encouraged to submit new course proposals they feel would enrich and enhance the curriculum. Professors from U.S. colleges and universities on sabbatical, extended leave, or those interested in teaching a course at ISI Florence with students from their home institution are encouraged to apply, as well as qualified instructors in or near Florence.

How to Apply

Send an introductory letter describing the courses you would like to teach and a curriculum vitae with references indicated. Application materials should be sent to the Program Director, Professor Stefano Baldassarri, at [email protected]. Attachments in most formats may be sent.
Or apply by filling out this comprehensive Faculty Application Form:
A Ph.D. is preferred for professors of all subjects; for certain disciplines, it is a requirement. An MFA is required for all studio art courses. Employment decisions are made based upon the applicant’s qualifications and education, ability to perform the responsibilities of the position, and his or her level of commitment to teaching, particularly in Italy. All instructors are initially hired for adjunct positions. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, religion, color, gender, gender identity, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
We look forward to working with you to ensure that ISI Florence may continue to offer exciting, challenging, and innovative courses to its students.