Please read and make sure you understand clearly the clauses and implications of this agreement. By completing an application and/or signing the Participation form, you are accepting the terms and conditions of this document.
The Institute’s (ISI Abroad, ISI Florence, ISI Perugia) Student Code of Conduct exists to support an environment conducive to the mission, vision, and values of the Institute. Through this code, the Institute seeks to guide the intentional development of personal responsibility, accountability, and respect for others as students discover themselves and the world around them. This list should not be regarded as all-inclusive and is subject to interpretation and revision at the discretion of the administration of the Institute.
To preserve its integrity as an American institution of higher education in Italy, the Institute will always seek to maintain a positive image in the community and requires that the conduct of all students, faculty, and other members be commensurate with this goal. The Institute places its trust upon its members to comport themselves appropriately, and any violation of that trust will be addressed accordingly.
General Responsibility
Students will be experiencing a new culture and environment where they are guests who are subject to laws that may be different than in their home. As such, students and families should have awareness of the political and societal dynamics of their host location, including the responsibilities of the student to respect the environment, people and socio-cultural practices of the place.
The most important element of a safe and successful program experience is the mindful decision making, situational awareness, and management of personal risk by the student. At all times students are responsible for their actions and behaviors, the impacts they have on others, and the consequences of their decisions. Persistent misconduct or disregard for personal safety, where other interventions and disciplinary actions have failed to bring about cooperation and behavior aligning with the Institute Student Code of Conduct, may result in immediate dismissal. Upon notification of dismissal, students are no longer permitted on the Institute premises and will be responsible for their own lodging and travel arrangements, and forfeit all course credit, program services and fees.
Institute’s Sole Discretion for Dismissal
It is understood that as as condition of participation in the Institute’s academic programs, the Institute maintains complete and exclusive authority to dismiss any student from the program, at its sole discretion and for reason(s) it alone deems appropriate, including concerns for the safety and well-being of myself and/or other members of the Institute community, for behavioral concerns, rude or aggressive behavior, potentially increased risk and liability, irreconcilable differences, and other reasons it determines.
Local Laws and Enforcement
Students are required to comply with the law and legal requests of all local authorities. The Institute enjoys no special immunity to Italian law and therefore cannot prohibit its enforcement on Institute premises or against Institute members. The Institute’s cooperation with law enforcement will be exercised with consideration for safeguarding the interests of the Institute and the Community.
If a non-citizen is arrested in a foreign country, Italy or elsewhere, the Consulate of that citizen’s country will not be able to post bond. A suspect may remain incarcerated until brought to trial. A local and licensed attorney will be required for the defense of those arrested. The Institute will not intervene should a student face arrest or legal consequences as a result of their actions, behaviors, or ignorance of the law.
Students will conduct respectful and timely communications in person, by phone, and/or electronic means. Students are required to respond to communications upon request by Institute staff and authorized family members. Failure to respond to communication as required will result in immediate intervention, and may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Communication includes, but is not limited to:
- Notifying authorized family members of safe arrival to the program location and being in regular contact to confirm health and wellness.
- Maintaining a charged and working cellular phone to facilitate communication. This device must be able to send and receive phone calls from Italian numbers and cannot be kept in flight mode unless during a period required by an airline.
- Sharing their phone number with Institute staff and authorized family members.
- Completion of the Independent Travel Form, or otherwise informing Institute staff of their safety and location.
- Promptly replying to any Institute communications regarding health, safety and well-being, answering all questions with the details requested (ex. location).
Independent Travel Form
As a condition of participation, it is understood that all students must complete an Independent Travel Form detailing their travel plans and travel companions. This is required even when students plan to remain in their host city for the weekend or break and when they leave the host city, regardless of destination. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
Unauthorized Use of Institute’s Name
The use of the Institute’s name, logo, or other form of Institute identity without prior authorization is prohibited.
Freedom of Expression
The Institute supports every individual’s right to freedom of expression consistent with the forum in which the expression is made. The Institute also recognizes the importance of fostering a culture of tolerance and civility that is a cornerstone for the accomplishment of its educational goals.
Within the classroom, visual and/or oral demonstrations, depictions, or conduct that may be offensive to an individual will not be restricted when there is a legitimate pedagogical context, such as material having an appropriate connection to course subject matter. Similarly, discourse on topics of political, artistic, or social issues that are conducted consistent with the nature of the forum and reasonable institutional limitations (available space, time, and cultural place) that are clear and unambiguous will be supported.
Engaging in expression which is obscene, libellous or slanderous, persistent, and objectively offensive, that is directed toward an individual based upon that individual’s protected status (e.g., sex/gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or age) is not a protected form of speech or expression, and can form the basis of a violation of Institute harassment, bullying or discrimination policies. Other limitations on free speech include: endangering someone or threatening them, inciting violence, using “fighting words” directed at an individual or group that directly provoke violence, defamation, obscenity, and expression that has a discriminatory effect such that it limits or denies someone’s educational or employment access, benefits and/or opportunities. Disruptive behavior, willful disobedience, habitual profanity or vulgarity, or the open and persistent defiance of the authority of, or persistent abuse of Institute personnel or partners will result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
Religious Expression
Students have the right to exercise their religious convictions and associate with religious, political, and/or other organizations of their choice provided they do so in a manner that respects the rights of other members of the community and complies with the Institute Student Code of Conduct. (See also General Expectations, General Responsibility).
Health & Wellbeing
Institute students are responsible for their personal health and wellbeing to include, but not limited to, eating regular, balanced meals, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and taking any prescribed medications accordingly. Neglect of personal wellness, not taking or altering doses of required medication as prescribed, and/or failure to seek help when the student’s mental or physical health is perceived as declining by Institute staff, will result in immediate intervention, and may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Alcohol may be used by students who are of legal age in the country where the program is located (Italy +18 age).
When alcohol is included as part of an Institute experiential or academic component, e.g. excursions to traditional distilleries, Institute staff have exclusive authority to monitor and restrict alcohol use during Institute experiential and academic components. Students are prohibited from bringing alcohol to any Institute sponsored event or activity. Students are also individually responsible for ensuring that they drink responsibly, especially during Institute sponsored events, trips, and activities, avoiding drunkenness. Failure to meet these requirements and expectations would be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
Objects used as drinking apparatuses that promote rapid consumption of alcohol are prohibited. The excessive use of alcohol in student apartments by either students or their guests is prohibited.
Disorderly or disruptive manner while under the influence of alcohol is an egregious violation of the Student Conduct Code. In addition, alcohol misuse (e.g. combining alcohol with other substances), alcohol abuse (binge drinking, shotgunning, drinking games where intoxication is encouraged), or alcohol intoxication resulting in hospitalization will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
Illicit Substances
The Institute unequivocally prohibits the possession, use, selling, and/or distribution of any controlled substances or recreational/hallucinogenic drugs (including marijuana, etc.), by any member of the Institute community. This includes the misuse of nonprescription medication or other substances. The possession, sale, or distribution of drug paraphernalia (pipes, bongs, roach clips, rolling papers, etc.) is prohibited. This includes marijuana, marijuana derivatives including CBD (THC above 0.2%) or THC products (regardless of local laws), and the sharing or abuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs, or other substances. Violations will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal from the program at a first offense.
Assault, battery, or attempted assault or battery, or any threat of force or violence upon another Institute student, staff or faculty, or outside community member, including causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person or their property will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
The Institute is committed to complying with all requirements as set forth by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”). As such, discrimination on the basis of sex or gender will not be tolerated in any education programs or activities. Such discrimination includes, but is not limited to: sexual harassment, sexual violence, sex or gender-based bullying, hazing, stalking, relationship violence (including domestic violence and dating violence), and failure to provide equal opportunity in admissions, activities, employment or athletics.
Engaging in intimidating conduct or bullying against another student through words or actions, including direct physical contact, verbal assaults such as teasing or name-calling, social isolation or manipulation in writing or by leaving associated discriminatory objects where they will be observed by the intended individual, through social media (cyber bullying), electronic communication, and/or recording another without permission/knowledge will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
Engaging in harassing (repeated, unwanted) or discriminatory behavior based on disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by law, in any form will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
Respect and Inclusion
Institute students, faculty and staff will respect the diversity of identities, beliefs, cultures, and thoughts of others, and strive to be inclusive in all interactions. Community responsibility and respect is of paramount importance in facilitating a learning environment. Intentional or repeated disparaging remarks, exclusive behaviors or disrespectful actions will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal. (See Freedom of Expression, Religious Expression, and Bullying/Harassment/Discrimination).
Sexual Misconduct/Assault/Exploitation
Sexual misconduct, assault, or sexual exploitation, regardless of conditions of influence, intoxication or mental duress, will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
Tobacco and Nicotine use (e.g vaping) are not allowed in Institute contracted facilities (e.g. housing or hotel accommodations), on Institute activities, or by anyone/anywhere not permitted by local law. The burning of any substances (e.g. incense, sage) is further not allowed unless part of a recognized Institute experiential, academic, or cultural activity. Violations will lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for repeat offenses.
Surreptitious Recording
The Institute forbids any conduct that constitutes a computer-related crime under local laws, including the use by a student of any camera, electronic listening or recording device without the prior consent of the individual(s) being recorded, downloading, retaining, and/or transmission of said recording or images by computer or other electronic means. Such behaviors will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
Removing the possessions, consuming food or supplies intended for the personal use of others, or by the Institute, or otherwise committing an act of theft or attempting to commit theft, or knowingly receiving property of another individual without their permission, including extortion, is not permitted and will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
Unauthorized entry to any Institute property, contracted space or local facility without permission is considered trespassing, and subject to local laws as well as disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal. Intentional or accidental damage, including the burning, cutting, defacing, theft, or other injury to any real or personal property owned by the student, other students, the Institute, Institute partners, or the outside community will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
Possession, sale or otherwise furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object, including, but not limited to any facsimile firearm, knife or explosive, or any object of this type, that is used to threaten harm, harm, or otherwise offensively or defensively engage another person, is not permitted and will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
Willful Misconduct/Negligence
The Institute reserves the right to immediately dismiss any student who places the safety of any participant, staff, local community member or themselves at risk. Willful misconduct and/or negligence, including failure to share information that could prevent injury and/or death, or knowledge that another has been harmed mentally or physically, or which results in injury or death to a student or Institute personnel or a member of the outside community, will lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal.
Irreconcilable Differences
It is understood the Institute will take reasonable action to address the concerns, needs, and demands of students. However, after such accommodations have been made, and deemed as “reasonable” in the sole and exclusive judgment of the Institute, and after which the student remains unsatisfied, and/or whose continued demands, complaints and/or behavior are considered disruptive, and after which the situation remains unresolved in a mutually beneficial manner, the Institute reserves the sole and explicit right to dismiss the student for irreconcilable differences.
Libelous, Slanderous or Harmful Remarks
It is understood that any purposeful misrepresentation of facts, recounts of events, misrepresentations of things said and actions taken, or not taken, by the Institute, as well as personal attacks or calumnies against the Institute and its members made to in public, on social media, or to Institute partners, clients, members of the Institute community, and others, with intent to harm the Institute and/or its members, and for which the Institute in its sole discretion considers such communication to be grossly inaccurate, libelous, slanderous or harmful to the reputation of the Institute, will result in immediate dismissal from the program, without refund and forfeiture of all academic credit for coursework completed to date.
Other Behavior Violations
Behavior deemed as unacceptable and which may prompt dismissal includes but is not limited to, public nuisance or disturbance, use of profanity or inappropriate language/commentary, disrespectful behavior, verbal abuse, threats, obscenities, physical signs of anger (slamming doors, destruction of property), defiance/refusal to follow reasonable requests of Institute staff or faculty, acts which disrupts the normal Institute operations or educational process, distasteful displays of affection, and other actions and behaviors deemed unacceptable by the Institute.
Academic Integrity Statement
The Institute is committed to upholding a culture of academic integrity within our learning community. By participating in an Institute’s programs, students commit themselves to produce academic work of integrity that adheres to accurate attribution of sources, appropriate use of data, and acknowledgment of the contributions of others. Cheating or assisting others in cheating on exams, tests, or quizzes; plagiarizing the ideas or language of others; and any other form of dishonesty (including, but not limited to, lying, falsifying documents, utilizing AI (artificial intelligence) programs for the completion of coursework, or failing to disclose knowledge of an Academic Integrity violation constitute violations of the Code of Conduct.
It is the responsibility of each student to consult with their faculty if they have questions regarding what violates the Institute’s Code of Academic Integrity. Academic misconduct at the Institute results in automatic Conduct Probation and may result in a failing grade for the course. Violations of academic integrity may also affect matriculation to academic institutions following an Institute semester.
Academic Violations
- Plagiarism: the presentation with intent to deceive or with disregard for proper scholarly procedures of a significant scope, of any information, ideas, or phrasing of another as if they were one’s own without giving appropriate credit to the original source.
- One commits plagiarism when one includes the words of another without quotation or when one includes the substantive work of another without properly crediting the source with footnotes, quotation marks, or other appropriate citation.
- A student’s intent may be inferred based on the extent and context of the improperly cited material and whether the student has provided false citation or has manipulated the original text such that a reasonable person may conclude the student did so in order to avoid detection.
- Disregard for proper scholarly procedure that is minimal in scope may be addressed solely as an academic matter, and faculty may determine whether an academic penalty should be applied. Any intentional acts of plagiarism or disregard for the scholarly procedure of a significant scope shall be treated as a violation of the Academic Integrity Code.
Note: Institute uses a plagiarism detection software to identify plagiarism within students’ work.
- Unauthorized Assistance/Collaboration: giving unauthorized aid to another student or receiving unauthorized aid from another person on tests, quizzes, assignments, or examinations. Unauthorized assistance includes, but is not limited to, providing information to another about an assignment or examination prior to the conclusion of the administration of such exams/assignments to all related sections of the course unless permitted by faculty.
- Use of Unauthorized Materials: using or consulting unauthorized materials (including electronic materials) or using unauthorized equipment or devices on tests, quizzes, assignments, or examinations.
- Unauthorized Dual Submission of Previous Academic Work: using any material portion of a paper or project to fulfill the requirements of more than one course unless the student has received prior permission to do so from the appropriate faculty.
- Directions Violation: failing to follow instructions for an assignment or examination despite knowing or having reason to know that such conduct would result in an unfair academic advantage.
Overt violations of the policies outlined above will warrant a grade of zero on the assignment for the first offense and a failing grade for the course beyond that.
Reporting a Code of Conduct Violation
Students are encouraged to inform the Institute’s Director of any Code of Conduct violation made by program participants, faculty, staff, or community members associated with the Institute.
Determining a Code of Conduct Violation
Any student whose behavior is deemed a violation of the student conduct code will be subject to appropriate review and sanctions, up to and including removal from the program. Information regarding students who violate the Institute’s policies will be communicated to the student’s home school and may be provided to their parents or emergency contacts.
The Director shall make the final determination on what constitutes a potential violation of the Student Conduct Code and shall establish the specific charge(s) as appropriate. In addition to the clauses listed above, the following actions/behaviors shall constitute violations of the Institute’s Student Conduct Code. Although this list is extensive, it should not be regarded as all-inclusive and is subject to change at the discretion of the Institute’s Director and administration.
- Criminal behavior or violating local laws.
- Violating the Institute’s Housing Agreement, including, but not limited to the presence of non-approved guests or overnight guests.
- Aiding, abetting, or attempting to commit an act or action that violates any Student Conduct Code. Students who anticipate or observe a violation being committed by others are expected to remove themselves from participation and are encouraged to report the violation.
- Unauthorized disclosure of door access codes and unauthorized possession, duplication, or unauthorized use of keys or access cards.
- Unauthorized possession, use or misuse, removal, defacing, tampering, damage or destruction of the Institute premises, student apartments, equipment, or property of the Institute.
- Any action which creates a fire hazard. This includes but is not limited to tampering with fire safety equipment, possessing or using any hazardous and/or explosive material, failing to evacuate a building/area after notice has been given or knowingly making a false report of a dangerous condition.
- Failure to comply with the instructions/requests of Institute staff, faculty, and/or other officials acting in the performance of their assigned duties, failure to positively identify one’s self or providing false information when appropriately requested to do so, and refusal to respond to an administrative office. Also includes withholding information from the Institute and making false statements to any Institute official.
- The manufacture, sale, use, and/or possession of false identification or permits (including but not limited to CDC or Green Passes) is prohibited. Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to the following:
- Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any Institute document;
- Representing the Institute, any recognized student organization, Institute personnel, or any official Institute group without explicit prior consent.
- Misuse of technology and computer information systems (Internet connection, network, etc.), including but not limited to:
- Unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read, or change contents;
- Unauthorized transfer of files or programs;
- Unauthorized use of another person’s identification and password;
- Use of computing or phone systems to send obscene, threatening or harassing messages;
- Interfering with the normal operation of the Institute computing system, including the initiation of the spread of a computer virus.
- Abuse of the judicial system, including but not limited to:
- Interference with the conduct of a judicial proceeding;
- Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information before a judicial body;
- Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the judicial system;
- Attempting to influence the impartiality of a member of a judicial body prior to, during, and/or after a judicial proceeding;
- Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a member of a judicial body, witness or victim prior to, during, and/or after a judicial proceeding;
- Failure to obey a “notice to appear” as a witness;
- Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the judicial system.
- Failure to comply with a sanction or with the terms of an administrative agreement.
Judicial Procedures
The Institute seeks to foster the intentional development of personal responsibility, accountability, and respect for others. To facilitate this development, a holistic approach in response to behavioral concerns and issues is embraced by Institute staff and faculty as they partner with students in the disciplinary process. Should a potential violation of the Student Conduct Code occur, an investigation of the circumstances will follow, and the student(s) involved will participate in an Administrative review session.
- Students charged with a violation will receive either a verbal or written description of the incident as the Institute staff has understood it and specific charge/s by the Director and/or his/her designee.
- The student(s) accused of a violation will have an opportunity to submit a written response. The information contained in the response is then taken into consideration at the administrative review.
- During the administrative review the student(s) will be encouraged to discuss and review the charges being brought against them. The student(s) may ask questions regarding the charges, the administrative review process as well as possible outcomes of the meeting. Typically, the administrative review will be led by the Director or Associate Director for Student Life and attended by at least one member of the staff or faculty.
- If a student accepts responsibility for his/her/their actions and verifies that the charges are correct, the causes and circumstances will be discussed, and appropriate sanctions will be determined based on all available information.
- If a student denies responsibility for the charged incident/violation, discussions will focus on the available reports and other relevant information. The members of the administrative review will make the final determination as to whether the student did or did not violate the student conduct code or Institute policies. A final decision will be rendered within two working days unless there is need for further investigation. The student(s) will be notified, typically in writing, as soon as a decision has been reached. Sanctions for violations are in effect as soon as the student has been notified.
- Members of the administrative review will consider any student comments and make all decisions based on the available information regarding the incident/violation.
- Appropriate members of the student’s home school, parents, emergency contacts, and sending institution may be consulted for additional information and/or informed of the charges and final decision and disciplinary action taken.
Students may appeal in writing a decision made by administrative review if there were procedural errors which substantially affected their rights or new information was discovered that was not available at the original Review and that could directly affect the decision, or the sanction was excessive.
Sanctions are designed to promote student growth and education and may take a variety of forms. Sanctions can be issued in combination depending on the violation in question.
- Verbal Warning that the behavior is in conflict with the Institute Code of Conduct and steps for correcting the behavior
- Written Warning that the behavior is in conflict with the Institute Code of Conduct and recommendations for correcting the behavior
- Notification of home school and emergency contacts of any violation
- Restitution/Fine: Payment for damages, theft, or penalty
- Community Education or Service: Educational or service task/s as assigned for a limited period of time
- Sanctions aligned with the Institute’s disciplinary philosophy
- Loss of Privileges: Withdrawal of the use of facilities or participation in events/activities either permanently or for a period of time
- Disciplinary Probation: Notification that any further infractions within a stated period of time will result in dismissal from the program
- Negotiated Withdrawal
- Dismissal: Permanent termination of student participation in the program.
The Institute reserves the right to notify the following parties at anytime during the disciplinary process, and inform students of such notifications, specifically where the Institute is obligated to do so by law:
- Student’s Enrolled School of Record
- Institute Partner Institutions
- Emergency Contacts
- Local Authorities
- Relevant Institute Staff or Faculty
Terms of Dismissal
It is understood that if a student is dismissed they forfeit all monies paid to the Institute and forfeit academic credit for all coursework completed up to the date of dismissal. Effective immediately upon dismissal of the student, their visa sponsorship will be revoked, they will no longer be permitted in Institute housing and no longer permitted on the Institute premises or at Institute-sponsored activities on penalty of trespassing, and must find their own lodging accommodations, and make their own arrangements for transportation and departure from Italy. Academic accommodations to allow dismissed students to complete courses virtually, or receive partial credit, if any, are at the sole discretion of the Institute and may incur additional charges to the student for these personalized services.
Title IX Statement
The Institute is committed to supporting students and upholding our non-discrimination policy. Under Title IX, discrimination based on sex and gender is prohibited. If you experience an incident of sex- or gender-based discrimination, the Institute encourages you to report it. You do not have to go through the experience alone. Assistance and resources are available, and you are not required to make a formal complaint or participate in an investigation to access them.
If at any point during the semester, you have a need to report any inappropriate activity, want to share something privately, or have a grievance, you may notify any member of Institute Staff with whom you feel comfortable having such a personal discussion.
Note: By signing of the Participation Agreement and accepting admission into ISI programs all students will have confirmed that they have read, understood, and agree to fully abide by the Student Code of Conduct as a condition of enrollment and as a legal and binding obligation/contract.