(Updated 09/09/2022)
Click Here to Read the Current Update Report September 9, 2022

Upholding the highest health and safety standards has remained our first priority since the pandemic began. Summarized here are our plans for a responsible and safe semester in accordance with the health and safety guidelines defined by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR), advised by the European Community, and recommended by the American Association of University Programs in Italy (AACUPI). Our commitment has been to ensure that all necessary health, safety, and preventative measures are firmly in place. We continue to work closely with local and US partners and communicate and demonstrate to the ISI Florence community that our Institute has diligently established a sound plan prior to and following our reopening. It is our goal to ensure that every student is afforded an authentic and meaningful study abroad experience – personalized, engaging, rewarding, and safe.
All accepted students are given a pre-departure handbook documenting the rules, regulations, and guidelines with special attention to our policies related to Covid-19. As always, our admissions team is available to assist students with the enrollment process and pre-departure preparation. Online Q&A sessions and webinars are also offered.

Should any travel restrictions be in place at the start of the Spring semester, ISI Florence will provide a checklist of the documents required and the policies and procedures to follow prior to departure and upon arrival.
All students studying in Italy for over 90 days are required to have a student visa. Student visas are issued by the Italian Consulates in the United States.
Currently, the documents that students should present upon arrival include:
- Letter of attendance from ISI Abroad (required)
ISI Florence also requires you to bring your CDC Covid Vaccination Card with you during your time abroad in case the rules and regulations should change regarding travel or entry.
Please note that we advise students to book all arrival flights without layovers in third countries (meaning that the final flight of their trip should be from their home country to Italy). If a student chooses to engage in independent travel prior to the start of the program, they are personally responsible for reviewing any covid-related restrictions or requirements in their destination locations, as well as between those countries and Italy. If the student is required to quarantine upon arrival to Italy due to their pre-program travel, they will be personally responsible for all expenses involved (including private transportation from the port of entry to their quarantine apartment or hotel, as well as the full cost of their quarantine accommodation). The Institute would then be able to virtually provide the student with information about food delivery options and the student would participate in their courses and orientation remotely during the quarantine period.
Upon arrival, students will be taken from the airport directly to their assigned apartments in a taxi or private coach. At the apartments they will find:
- A certificate of sanitation;
- A Guide/Poster on cleaning guidelines and preventative measures and best practices for health and safety;
- The ISI student handbook that documents the rules and regulations of the Institute and local laws governing Covid-19.
Note: At this time we do not expect any quarantining requirements to be in place in the spring.
During orientation, the Institute will reiterate the information found in the student handbook with a special presentation dedicated exclusively to Covid-19. Topics include local laws, rules, and regulations of the Institute, prevention, health and safety recommendations, healthcare and medical assistance, and contingency plans (lock-down, repatriation, etc.).
- All apartments are professionally cleaned and sanitized prior to student arrival.
- All apartments will have:
- the sanitization certificate;
- a document outlining Covid-19 protocols, preventative measures, and best practices for health and safety;
- the ISI Florence Student Handbook documenting the rules and regulations of the Institute and the local laws governing Covid-19.
- Professional and periodic cleaning and sanitization services will be made available throughout the academic term (as requested by students and at their expense)

The Institute follows the current health and safety guidelines established by the Italian Ministry of Education. Institute policies and guidelines are updated and prepared by certified local health and safety consultants. Current measures include:
Regulations for Entry
- Restricted Access: All Institute facilities have an entry security system
- Hand sanitizing gel at entrance
- Touch-less thermometer at entrance
- Regulations and guidelines poster at entrance
- Restricted entry for those with symptoms attributable to Covid-19.
For those entering the Institute that are not part of the ISI community (visitors, repairmen, etc.) the Institute maintains a log of their visit including date, time, areas entered, and purpose of visit for contact tracing. The Institute seeks to schedule such visits after hours when students are not present.
Regulations and Guidelines Inside the Institute
- Standard Rules (if Current Restrictions and Regulations are still in Effect):
- Masks are recommended while indoors;
- Social distancing is encouraged at all times;
- Frequent sanitizing or washing of hands is required.
- Posters and signs for rules and regulations for covid-19 laws and policies will be placed at the entrance and throughout the Institute.
- Sanitizing gel will be in all classrooms and common areas of the Institute.
- Floor markings for social distancing.
- Frequent daily cleanings of the common areas and surfaces in the classrooms, restrooms, and high-traffic areas are performed with products that meet Italian and EU anti-covid sanitation recommendations.
- Daily deep cleaning and sanitizing of the entire Institute every evening.
All students are required to complete a Travel Information Form prior to any travel outside of the local area. This form documents the details of their travel, including modes of transportation, lodging, travel companions, and destinations. Our team monitors travel alerts and review the travel forms to provide updates and guidance on restrictions to ensure that students avoid prohibited destinations and those considered higher risk.
Additional Covid-19 travel regulations:
Face Masks: FFP2 (KN95) masks (which cover both nose and mouth) are required on all forms of public transportation.
If there is suspicion (but not confirmation) of a Covid-positive student, the student will be asked to self-isolate in a dedicated room at the Institute or in a separate room in their apartment. The Institute will assist the student with instructions on testing options (PCR and rapid testing).
In the event a student tests positive, (either asymptomatic or symptomatic), the Institute will provide detailed guidance on the procedures to follow, according to the Italian Health Department regulations. Currently, a positive individual must isolate for a minimum of 5 days and until an official negative test is confirmed. In order to ensure correct isolation, the Institute will arrange for the positive student to temporarily move to separate housing. Depending on availability, this may be at a “Covid Hotel” or alternate housing. In the Covid Hotel, a medical team will monitor the student’s symptoms regularly, and provide them with all necessary medication, as well as daily meals. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the costs for isolation facilities are covered by their international health insurance plan.
In the event that a student requires medical care or hospitalization, the Institute personnel, the student, and the appropriate personnel at the home university will work together to address this issue.

ISI Florence has a Risk Management Team dedicated to monitoring & supporting Italian and EU health & safety regulations and recommendations to facilitate the policies, procedures, and safe operation of the Institute. ISI Florence has a Facilities Safety Coordinator, responsible for ensuring the cleaning and sanitizing of the facilities, enforcing social distancing, emergency protocols, and PPE resources. ISI Florence also has a Health, Safety & Wellness Coordinator, who assists students in arranging medical visits/exams, psychological counseling, and emergency services. Furthermore, all ISI Florence staff are trained in health, safety, and emergency protocols.
We understand that students may have physical or mental health needs while abroad that relate to typical causes (such as an ear infection or roommate issues) or causes related to Covid-19. Students are able to receive the well-established mental and physical health support offered by the Institute. The exclusive ISI Florence App includes the contact details for a wide variety of English-speaking medical professionals and clinics. In the event of a medical emergency, students can also call the Institute’s 24/7 in-house emergency phone number to request assistance from an ISI Florence staff member.
Furthermore, the hospital system in Italy is considered to be well-prepared for future outbreaks. Our Risk Management team is regularly monitoring similar initiatives and will be sure to update this site with further details.

All Institute employees are required to be fully vaccinated. These rules are firmly respected by all ISI Florence administration, staff, and faculty, and they have all been vaccinated and boosted well in advance of the start of in-person classes.
Spring & Summer 2023 students can click here to submit proof of vaccination or explore our FAQ for this policy.

In case there is a need to deliver classroom content remotely, Institute professors are now, more than ever, capable users of the online learning platform Moodle (similar to Canvas and Blackboard). Our instructors have long used the online environment as a complement to in-person learning; that preparation has been useful and they will continue to use Moodle in the future. The use of Moodle and carefully-planned content and assignments means that we are also prepared to continue teaching online in the event a student needs to isolate or needs to return to the United States
NOTE: Information provided on this page is subject to change as all measures, particularly those relevant to travel, social distancing, & sanitation may change in compliance with current Italian and EU laws and guidelines for public health and safety.