Not quite double Dutch

Early this semester (September 15-October 7), Palazzo Rucellai hosted a class of tourism business students from Deltion College (Zwolle) in the Netherlands. Upon receiving a “Leonardo Da Vinci” grant from the European Community last spring, Deltion faculty had sought out facilities to teach a course to design a business plan for a Dutch tour operator in Italy. Offering the class in situ was the most attractive option, but how to implement it? Thanks to the unremitting efforts of our very own bit of Holland, Nienke Scholten (Bursar’s Office, ISI Florence), the four Deltion professors involved in the project (Roelie de Boer, Harriet Gringhuis, Robbert Schutter, and Gert Westerveld) managed to secure the place and the time of year they wanted: Florence in the autumn. While here they also  received precious help from two other fellow Dutch citizens who have made Florence their home: Prof. Michael Kwakkelstein (Director of the local Istituto Olandese di Storia dell’Arte as well as Prof. of Art History at ISI Florence) and Dr. Klaas Tonckens. The former lectured them on Florentine art in the Renaissance, while the latter came to Palazzo Rucellai to give some ‘hot tips’ on how to start a tourism related business in Italy. Given the remarkable success of this experience, both ISI Florence and Deltion College look forward to turning it into a regular event within our fall semester program.