How Florence Became My Home: an Abroad Student Experience

Moving to a foreign country has required some sort of adjustment: language, currency, weather, and overall lifestyle are so different!
During the first couple weeks it felt like we were out of place and did not belong. Questions such as “Will I get homesick?” or “Will I enjoy my time here?” were constantly rushing through our minds. The beginning of our abroad experience was an emotional roller coaster, but we eventually found our way.

That little push of stepping out of our comfort zone allowed us to view this experience in a whole new light.

After living here for about two months we all feel as if Florence is our second home. Living with friends from home makes it easier to live abroad. We have adapted to the food, language, and culture and have created a routine of going to class and traveling. We still keep up our American life activities. For example, going for long runs and exercising, cooking meals at home with our housemates, and “face-timing” friends and family whenever we get the chance.

Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and after the feeling of being homesick has subsided, we have quickly learned that Florence has so much to offer. As abroad students, we have been given the chance to travel the world and explore Europe. This is the time in our lives when we can find who we are and become independent adults away from our security blankets back in America. We wouldn’t trade this experience for anything and are so grateful that we got passed the initial bump and are now finally calling the incredible city of Florence, “home”.

The Intercultural Communication Course Blog