Scholars inevitably find that, in many Florentine libraries and archives, titles of Renaissance manuscripts are listed primarily in unpublished, handwritten, or difficult-to-access search aids. The Florentine Library Intermapping Project (FLIP) helps make these inventories more accessible through the Internet. The website, currently in development, contains maps and information that should help researchers navigate the riches of Florentine libraries and archives with greater ease. Initial efforts focus on inventories held by family archives, managed by the Sovrintendenza ai Beni Archivistici, and materials from the Biblioteca Riccardiana. “ISI Florence support has been critical in every step of the way,” say lead researchers Claudia Rammelt and Justine Walden, both Yale graduate students and proud ISI Florence alumni; “we couldn’t have done it without you.” In June 2010, both Claudia and Justine participated in the first series of the Translating the Past workshop on codicology, paleography, and philology, coordinated at Palazzo Rucellai by Prof. Stefano U. Baldassarri (Academic Director and Dean of Students, ISI Florence). Stay tuned for more. You’ll be FLIPping through Renaissance manuscripts in no time!
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