Our Featured Alumni

Aiden Abeles-Tierney
University of Maryland
Hi! My name is Aiden Abeles-Tierney and I am currently a junior at the University of Maryland. I am majoring in General Communications and minoring in General Business and this semester I am studying abroad in Florence, Italy. I chose to apply to study at the International Studies Institute in Florence for my study abroad experience because it was highly recommended by many friends from UMD as well as other universities. After receiving my acceptance letter, the more information I got from the ISI board, the more I knew I made the right decision as they were extremely supportive, organized, and informative! I have had a wonderful experience during my time in Florence and could not have asked for a better affiliative program to go through!
My favorite memory:
I would absolutely have to say that one of my favorite memories of my abroad experience has been from a weekend when I chose to stay in Florence. When I decided to study abroad, I told myself that, as tempting as it is to travel every weekend, make sure to reserve some weekends to explore the wonders of the city of Florence. The Boboli Gardens have become one of my favorite places to visit either with friends or alone. My favorite memory has to be one Saturday when two of my friends and I took blankets, a speaker, snacks, watercolors, books, and our travel journals and spent the entire day lounging in the gardens. We spent over 5 hours in the gardens just relaxing, reading, listening to music, and creating art. Something about this experience felt so fulfilling and gave me this feeling of warmth and happiness. It is one of my favorite days I have spent abroad so far.
Advice for future students:
I have two pieces of advice for future students: the first one being more logistical and the second, more inspirational. First, if you choose to study abroad in the spring semester, you should visit all the tourist attractions on your list when you first arrive. From personal experience, I came into the semester with the idea that I would have the entire four months to explore and adventure everything I wanted to within Florence. However, as the weather gets nicer, I have found that the number of tourists drastically increases by the day and most attractions are sold out or take hours to access. The second piece of advice I would give future students is to trust your gut! This applies to all situations and scenarios especially while studying abroad, however, I specifically am talking about following your intuition to have all of the experiences you are specifically looking for. It is easy to get caught up in what everyone around you is doing and to feel the need to have certain experiences, but at the end of the day, you will feel most fulfilled and inspired by following your gut and pushing yourself to do the things you truly want to do.

Livia Sinani
University of Virginia
Hi, my name is Livia Sinani. I am a third-year student at the University of Virginia, studying economics and public policy. My main areas of interest in policy include economic policy, foreign affairs, and equality policies. After graduating, I hope to work for nonprofits that advocate for the rights of those in need.
Favorite Moment in Florence:
I have had so many wonderful moments in Florence, filled with adventure, curiosity, and beauty. But I would have to say my favorite moment in Florence has been rafting down the Arno. This was an activity offered by the ISI staff and, in my opinion, worth participating in if you have the chance. I am not an outdoorsy person nor am I athletic, however, I found rafting down the Arno to be a surreal experience. Not only do people wave at you while you raft, instilling a sense of warmth and welcome, but you also get to see the Ponte Vecchio, one of the main tourist attractions in Florence, from a completely different perspective. Also, the time that we went rafting was around sunset, and the sky was filled with beautiful golden and pink hues. Additionally, the rafting experience involved going down the San Niccolò weir, which felt like doing a water ride at an amusement park. Moreover, there’s something uniquely gratifying about being able to state that you went rafting on the Arno, a historic and culturally significant river.
Advice to Future Students:
Don’t be afraid to try new things, especially by yourself. At times, it’s comforting to have people with you on your journeys. However, sometimes your schedule doesn’t align with your friends, giving you the opportunity to be alone. I’d say, take advantage of these opportunities to explore and try new things on your own. Solo trips are very popular for this reason. However, you don’t even need to have a solo trip to discover the benefits of being alone. Even spending an evening in Florence by yourself will achieve the same goals. The process of being alone can be an unexpected way to meet new people to connect with and in the process learn more about yourself.

Elizabeth Mueller
University of Virginia
Hey! My name’s Elizabeth Mueller, I got to the University of Virginia, and I’m majoring in Economics and minoring in Leadership and Public Policy. Studying abroad in Florence has truly been the experience of a lifetime, one I’m sad to leave behind. If you have any questions about whether or not you want to study abroad, please feel free to contact me.
My favorite memory:
If I had to pick just one of my favorite memories it would have to be my day spent in the Boboli Gardens. One nice, warm Saturday in late March, my roommates and I packed bags full of blankets, books, and snacks and decided we were going to spend the day in the gardens. We started off going to an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant and stuffing our faces until the walk up to the Pitti Palace seemed like a reprieve. We went into the Boboli Gardens, and everything was so lush and green, people were milling around with their friends and family, and we just set up the blankets, lay in the sun, and read for hours. When we had finally had our fill, we started the walk home, stopping at people playing live music in the piazzas, getting gelato, and looking at the fresh artwork the local artisans had been doing all day. It was the perfect day, and at the end of it, we stayed in our apartment, cooked a huge meal for all eight of us, and piled into our living room to watch a movie together. It was a picturesque day filled with relaxation, friends, gelato, and music. My favorite memories aren’t the ones I made doing all the staple things like going to the art museums and climbing the Duomo (though those are fantastic memories and something I sincerely recommend you do). My favorite memories are the quiet domestic ones with the people I’ve met here and the ambiance so unlike anything at home.
My biggest piece of advice:
If there’s one piece of advice I could give you, it’s to come in with an open mind. When thinking about whether or not to study abroad don’t worry about missing out at home, don’t worry about whether or not you’ll like your roommates or your apartment. If you come in with negative preconceived notions, you won’t be able to truly experience your time abroad. Studying abroad is supposed to be fun! It’s supposed to be a time when you can get away from your home and learn about yourself in a new environment. Studying abroad is what you make of it. If you think it’ll be bad and you spend all day sulking, it’s not going to be the best time. But if you come in with an open mind, stay true to yourself, and be open to new experiences, you will have the time of your life. Talk to the locals, learn the culture, and experience life outside of the comfortable bubble you’ve made for yourself in the US! I promise you won’t regret it.

Isabella Valentine
University of Virginia
Hi! My name is Isabella Valentine and I am in my third year at the University of Virginia. I am majoring in Global Commerce in Culture and Society with a double minor in Psychology and Leadership. After graduation, I hope to work abroad.
Favorite Moment in Florence
It is hard to pick one moment in Florence that was my favorite. I would say my favorite moment would be going to Piazza Michaelangelo with my friends for sunset and an aperitivo. The hike up is definitely worth it! It is a great place to relax at the end of the day while overlooking the entire city of Florence.
Advice for Future Students
Coming abroad can be an overwhelming experience, so I would say it is important to live in the moment and appreciate all the small day-to-day things that bring you joy while studying in Florence. Whether that be getting a daily coffee, or chatting with friends while walking to class, all these small moments are what you will treasure at the end of the semester. I also would advise you to fully immerse yourself in the Italian culture while living here. There is so much to learn from their way of life, so taking advantage of learning more about Italian history, language, food, and customs is very important. Finally, I recommend prioritizing travel within Italy when you are studying in Florence. There are so many hidden gems in Italy that are easy to visit by train.

Carlos Ortiz
University of Hartford
Hi! My name is Carlos, I am currently a junior at the University of Hartford and I’m majoring in Architecture Design and Technology with a concentration in Environmental Sustainability. After I graduate I plan on going to graduate school, working part-time at a firm in New York City, designing environmentally friendly buildings, and creating more unique adventures.
Favorite Moment in Florence:
My favorite memories while studying aboard here in the beautiful city of Florence, are the family dinners my friends and I do every week with fresh ingredients. Living in San Niccolò, across the River Arno from the school, is another highlight, walking through the small local family-owned shops and restaurants is amazing, you can find these communities anywhere and feel like you belong. It’s awesome being able to learn a new language and show locals how international students adapt to the Florentine culture.
Advice to Future Students: You might have heard this before but I definitely want to shine more light on this advice, which is to not be afraid of new experiences, and putting yourself out there – you coming to Florence shows you already want to. Florence has so many events and places for you to be out exploring. ISI sends reminders and a list of new events for you to take part in and I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone because there are new beginnings to be discovered. The staff and teachers at ISI are open to helping students anytime to enjoy every moment of their time and I’m happy with the new relationships I’ve created with the staff and teachers here that will never be forgotten. A truly unbelievable experience, and all it takes is for you to just be a little open and adventurous.

Karma Woodcock
University of Connecticut
Current Junior at the University of Connecticut, graduating class of 2024! I am a communications major and a yoga teacher! I hope to be able to travel all around the world after graduating and hopefully make my way into digital media and marketing!
Favorite Moment in Florence
I truly have had so many incredible experiences throughout my time studying abroad it is hard to pick just one! But if I must, I would have to say when my friends from home came to visit me. When I first got here I felt like I was in the clouds, as though none of this was real because it has always been such a dream of mine. Geing to see them experience Florence for the first time was like reliving that first week, but ten times beer because I had the hang of things by this point. So I got to take my best friends to all of my favorite places and watch them discover theirs!
Advice to future students!
One huge piece of advice I would give to future students is to leave your expectations at home. I know it is a huge ask because we hear things from friends, family, social media, and school. I cannot stress enough how important it is to live your own experience. Sometimes seeing others can cloud your own and you may want to have a similar experience or expect yours will go one way. But studying abroad is about enjoying the unexpected and going with the flow. Don’t get caught up in other people’s lives, live yours!

Carly Erani
University of Maryland
Bio: Hi! I am a junior from northern New Jersey, majoring in psychology at the University of Maryland. I love to learn about improving personal happiness/wellness, and I hope to pursue a graduate degree in a related field following graduation!
Most memorable experience:
Hiking in the mountains of Tuscany was a day I will never forget! As much as I appreciate all of the history and culture in Florence, here and there, I have missed spending time in nature. This inspired my roommates to explore the trails of Fiesole. We began at Cave di Maiano and continued until we reached Piazzale Leonardo, also known as the place that inspired Leonardo DaVinci’s invention of the “Great Kite.” Although this hike was more challenging than anticipated, the hard work made the views over Florence so satisfying! We stopped at a local gelateria in Fiesole on the walk back to Florence, which was the cherry on top of an amazing adventure!
Advice for coming students:
Make the most of each day when you are abroad! With all of the excitement, time flies by so quickly. It’s so important to be intentional about how you spend your time abroad. Try to focus on getting enough sleep and taking care of your physical/mental to give yourself the energy to do as many things as possible. Spend more time exploring new areas of the city, talking to new people, trying new foods, learning more, or doing whatever it is that you like to do! Obviously, you are human, and everyone needs to take breaks at times. Just keep in mind that your time is precious, and you get to choose how you spend it!

Kyle Terranova
University of Maryland
My name is Kyle, and I am currently a Senior at the University of Maryland. I am studying Criminal Justice and Criminology, and will be graduating in Spring 2023! I am very excited about the opportunities and adventures that I face following graduation!
Favorite Moment In Florence:
Many of my favorite experiences in Florence were spent when my parents visited, and I was able to act as their personal tour guide throughout the city. My father had previously studied in Florence, and being able to compare our lives in the city, and share some of the same experiences meant a lot to me. It was incredible having the ability to demonstrate my knowledge of the city and show how I had adapted to my new surroundings.
Advice to Future Students:
The best advice I can give to incoming ISI students is to simply put yourself out there, and try to meet as many people as you can. There are so many interesting and engaging people throughout the program! I definitely feel that I have developed special bonds with the friends that I have made at ISI, and I truly believe that the people are what make this entire experience something to remember!

Arian Chorpa
University of Louisville
I am currently a sophomore at the University of Louisville, majoring in psychology and marketing. After graduating I plan on attending medical school and getting my MBA. My main goal is to become a psychiatrist.
Most Memorable Experience:
I have made countless beautiful memories while studying in Florence, but my favorite has to be stumbling upon the flea markets in Piazza Santo Spirito. After a museum visit at Palazzo Pitti, my roommates and I got lost in the streets and stumbled on this lively flea market. This market had a variety of vendors selling things such as clothing, baked goods, wine, food, jewelry, and so much more. I ended up purchasing lots of vintage clothes and jewelry. To end the day, I had a beautiful lasagna al ragu at a local trattoria. The welcoming and ethereal energy I felt amongst the locals of Oltrano in Santo Spirito is something that I cannot fully put into words.
Advice for future students:
My best advice is to soak it all in and to take everything day by day. Although four months may seem like a long time, this time will fly by quicker than you could ever imagine. It is a very unique opportunity to be able to stay in Florence for such an extended period of time, so make the most of it! Try new foods, speak Italian to locals, travel around to different cities, do anything that will fully immerse you in the culture of Italy. My favorite moments while abroad came when I did something I was nervous or afraid of. By trying new experiences and getting out of your comfort zone, you will grow so much as a person. Things may feel unfamiliar at times, and you may feel a little homesick, but you should always believe in yourself, and you will have the wonderful staff at ISI Florence to help you through the process!

Nathalie Cimbolo
University of Maryland
I am currently a junior at the University of Maryland, College Park. I’m majoring in Criminology and Criminal Justice with minors in Sociology and Sustainability Studies. After I graduate I plan on continuing my education and attending law school.
My favorite memory in Florence:
I have had so many memorable moments while living here in Florence but I would say the most memorable would be when I got the opportunity to start a donation drive for a local shelter. For Thanksgiving, I wanted to give back and give thanks to the community here in Florence and to help those in need. The students and staff at ISI were able to donate numerous items to both the women and children living at the shelter. Overall, this experience has been rewarding and I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to organize this donation drive and to give back to those who need it the most.
Advice for future students:
Before traveling to Florence I would highly recommend not bringing as many things in your luggage because you’ll end up wanting to bring a bit of Florence back home with you. Now a piece of advice while staying in Florence would be to attend the many activities ISI creates for their students. They have volunteer opportunities as well as group activities such as cooking classes, boat tours of the Arno river, leather-making classes, and much more. Taking part in these activities is a great way to not only make friends but to also explore the city and immerse yourself in the culture.