‘Back from Italy’: Study Abroad Shapes Architecture

On May 18, 2017 ISI Florence architecture professors Carlo Achilli and Daniela Sinicropi took part in the opening event ‘Back from Italy’, a student exhibition hosted by the Italian Embassy in Washington, D.C., and organized by AACUPI. The display of works opened a dialogue on how studying abroad, and specifically in Italy, can impact the design process. ISI Florence participated with works by its RWU students. Professors Alessandro Franchetti Pardo and Marina Kavalirek (Catholic University of America, Rome Campus), who organized this exhibition, praised the projects for their high quality.

Fifteen former ISI Florence students from Roger Williams and Maryland universities attended the opening ceremony. Students who had completed a semester abroad were invited to share their experience with the audience. Our Fall 2016 student Skyler Moncada (Roger Williams) spoke for ISI Florence, recounting his semester, which he considers greatly successful, for both the architectural training and as a life experience. Professor Sinicropi followed with a speech on the challenges she faces in teaching without overly conditioning the creative freedom of the design process. An Italian-style ‘aperitivo’ closed the successful evening at the Italian Embassy.